1 Toucan Crossing

Jasper Day S2265891

Goal: Write a python program which uses a blinkstick to simulate the TOUCAN pedestrian crossing at the corner of Mayfeild Road and West Mains Road

import blinkstick
import matplotlib as mpt
import numpy as np
from enum import Enum
import time

2 Traffic Light Table

Period Use Signal for Pedestrians Signal for Vehicles Timing Variation
I Vehicle Running Red Green 20 - 60 (ends at either max time or on pedestrian demand + gap. Vehicle actuation cancels gap for 6 sec) Traffic volume
II Amber to Vehicles Red Amber 3 n/a
III Vehicle Clearance Red Red 1 (gap in vehicles) - 3 (vehicle present) Vehicle actuation
IV Pedestrian Crossing Green Red 4 - 7 Check maps
V Pedestrians keep crossing Black Red 3 n/a
VI Pedestrian clearance Black Red 0 - 22 (pedestrian detection adds 2 sec) Pedestrian actuation
VII Additional Pedestrian Crossing Black Red 0 - 3 Pedestrian detection
VIII All red Red Red 1 - 3 Free choice
IX Red / Amber to Vehicles Red Red/Amber 2 NA
class Period(int, Enum):
    # Enum type allows state comparison of our traffic light variable.
    # `int` enum lets us augment state by addition operator +=
    I = 1
    II = 2
    III = 3
    IV = 4
    V = 5
    VI = 6
    VII = 7
    VIII = 8
    IX = 9

# class TrafficLight():
#     # container class for our state
#     def __init__(self):
#         self.state = TrafficLightState.I

# Size of the crosswalk simulation matrix. One square is 1 meter on a side.
ROWS = 70
TIME = 0 # seconds

class Scene():
    scene = np.zeros([ROWS, COLUMNS])
    state = Period.I            # global traffic light state
    def simulation_step(self):  # advance simulation
        TIME += 1

class TrafficLight(Scene):

class SceneObject(Scene):
    def __init__(self, row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end):
        if not (row_start < row_end < super().scene.shape[0] and col_start < col_end < super().scene.shape[1]):
            # Check if bounds are valid
            raise Exception("Incorrect bounds for object") 
        self.row_start = row_start
        self.row_end = row_end
        self.col_start = col_start
        self.col_end = col_end

class Pedestrians(SceneObject):

class Car(SceneObject): # Contents of Address Register. just kidding.

window = Scene()

pedestriandetector = SceneObject(35,50,7,17)

print(f"window state {window.state}")
window state 1